We arrived safely in Palembang after over 24 hours travelling. It’s been about 33 degrees here which is a big change from back home! The hotel is great and the people are friendly. I became a millionaire here today! I wasn’t able to change my Euro so I took out one million Rupiah from the ATM machine – about €85 haha!
We had a practice run earlier today and the boat being used is the Mastercraft X2. The Opening Ceremony was amazing with loads of TV crews and journalists and there were thousands of musicians, dancers and children who formed a big parade and all the athletes from 24 different countries were there. Qualifying rounds are tomorrow (timetable below the photos). If you happen to go to bed late or get up early you can watch the action on www.iwwf.tv Thanks, David
Saturday, November 24, 2012
08:00 am Women’s Slalom Preliminaries
09:15 am Men’s Slalom Preliminaries
11:30 am Women’s Wakeboard Semi-Finals
1:00 pm Men’s Wakeboard Quarter-Finals
3:00 pm Women’s Jump Preliminaries
4:15 pm Men’s Jump Preliminaries
6:00 pm End of Day 1
Sunday, November 25, 2012
08:00 am Men’s Wakeboard Last Chance Qualifiers
09:15 am Women’s Wakeboard Last Chance Qualifiers
10:15 am Men’s Wakeboard Semi-Finals
11:45 am Women’s Slalom Final
12:15 pm Men’s Slalom Final
1:15 pm Women’s Wakeboard Final
2:00 pm Men’s Wakeboard Final
3:00 pm Women’s Jump Final
3:45 pm Men’s Jump Final
4:30 pm End of Day 2
5:00 pm Prize Giving Ceremony
7:30 pm Farewell Party