A year ago I took a gap year from University to try and pursue my dream. These 12 months have been insane. I’ve been all over the world having the time of my life!!! I’ve met the coolest and most banterful people, seen the sickest places, got a free car, been flown around the world, filmed a documentary and learnt sooo much about life, business and how the world goes around! I can’t get over how outrageous this year has been! It’s mental!!!! All this wouldn’t be possible without my sponsors Monster Energy, OBrien Wakeboards, Nissan, Xtreme Gene Wakeboard and Waterski, Billabong Europe and Thongs. And also to all you guys who like comment and share stuff on this page! But most of all. My Mum and Dad!! They have always supported me and given me great advice!
So University starts back up next week. But screw that! I’m not going back now! The dream is now a reality and only beginning! I’m loving every single second of what I do each and every day! And I will continue to! So instead of going back. I’m spending two weeks in America and then to China, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, and wherever else Wakeboarding wants to take me.
So here’s to another 12 incredibly insane whopper crazy mental months! Yeeoowww!